17 de diciembre de 2008

Gracias por visitarnos!


Harvest Day!
It was a wonderful experience.

¡¡Viva la Canción Criolla!!

5 de noviembre de 2008

Este 31 de octubre celebramos juntos el día de nuestra Canción Criolla. Fue un día muy divertido pues compartimos juntos parte de nuestra historia peruana, ricas comidas y postes criollos y sobre todo nuestra música.
Los niños quedaron encantados con el cajón peruano, lo dibujaron y hasta se dieron tiempo para tocar el cajón al ritmo de la música criolla.
Comieron de todo un poco,también compartieron sus bocaditos con otros niños y grandes del colegio, deseándoles un "feliz día de la Canción Criolla".
Fue una experiencia muy enriquecedora.

We visited a museum

24 de octubre de 2008

On Thursday, October 23rd we visited a museum to learn about people in the past. We learned about ancient people, their pottery, costumes, jewerly, chothes and much more things.We finished our visit with a workshop. It was fun!

Crecemos en valores

En nuestro colegio los niños aprenden valores importantes para su vida. Dentro del valor de la perseverancia,que corresponde a este bimestre, trabajamos la responsabilidad de cada uno.Para ello vamos propiciando experiencias que ayudan a los niños a reflexionar y vivir los valores cada día. Por ejemplo este bimestre trabajamos con la honestidad, leyendo y luego representando la historia del Pastorcillo mentiroso. Los niños se divirtieron mucho y aprendieron la importancia de decir siempre la verdad.

We learn to help and to teach others too!

During our lessons, some students help others. They teach their friend what they have learned.For example, they share their ideas and supervise their friends while they finish an assignment. All the students win with these activities.The "teachers" feel very important and useful. Furthermore, they feel proud of themselves and they take their jobs very serious. The rest of the students listen to new ways of explanation and learn that knowledge comes from other childern, not only from theachers or adults. They enjoy learning English this way!!

Spelling Bee Winners 2008!

Our kids worked very hard during the Spelling Bee Contest. Now we can present our winners 2008:
Chiara Potesta from Lower First Kittens

Raúl Malpartida from Lower First Puppies

Adriana Torres from Lower First Bear Cubs.

These are the winner this year, but we want to congratulate some students how did very well too:
Jimena Alvarez
Valeria Callo
Gabriel Guerra
Santiago Marky
Fabricio Noblecilla
Andrea Vidarte
Diego Acuña
Daniela Carcausto
Victo Genaro Carranza
Miguel Carrillo
Gabriela Klauer
Daniel Quiroz
Aldo Rosas
Sebastián Salomón
Sebastián Salvatierra

Bear Cubs
Santiago Juscamaita
María Fe Valle
Mathias Sáenz



22 de octubre de 2008

Kittens, Puppies y Bear Cubs disfrutando de actividades artísticas en el aula y al aire libre.

Earth Science

21 de octubre de 2008

This is the way we learned about fossils.

Casual Day

2 de octubre de 2008

During Casual day we had an awsome time. We shared with our friends laughs, games and delicious food.
Here are some photos.

More Pictures From Crosscurricular Project!

29 de septiembre de 2008

Fabiola Escobar sent these pictures to share with us. Thank you Fabiola!

Kittens in Action.

28 de septiembre de 2008

We always wonder what kids do in physical education classes? and how they works? Well here are some photos, hope you enjoy it and and also answer some of your questions.

Maths Games.

In Maths class, last week we learned about hundreds, tens and ones. Then we played a game to reinforce the topic. Children enjoy it a lot. I invite all of you to see the enthusiasm in math class and also encourage you to practice at home in the same dynamic and funny way with your kids.


Miss Silvana

Spoken News

On Monday, September 22nd Lower First Kittens was in charge of the Spoken News.

Chiara Potestá did a great speech as the presenter. First, Rodrigo Rebaza and Shigueo Nakandakari led the prayers. Next, Alexa Ordaya and Francesco Boceta pulled up our national flag. Then, we presented interesting News with Daniela Escobar, Gabriel Guerra, Valeria Callo, Maria Fernanda Sakuray, Andrea Vidarte, Santiago Marky and Fiorella Almanza . The rest of the group presented visual aids.
After that, Fabricio Noblecilla read a reflection about fortitude. Finally, we recited a poem. Rodrigo Aliaga led the school song and made a cheer. Everybody at school enjoyed the news.
I am so proud of you Kittens. Well done Kittens!

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